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Welcome to Cambridge Refrigeration Technology

What is RTIS?

RTIS is the Refrigerated Transport Information Service run by CRT.
CRT's information resources and expert system are available through subscription to the Refrigerated Transport Information Service (RTIS).

RTIS was formed to enable information covering a wide range of subjects to be available for companies, consultants and individuals who are involved in refrigerated transport, cold stores, cold and chilled storage, design and operation of refrigerated equipment.

Subscribers to RTIS include many of the major international shipping companies, exporters, importers and machinery manufacturers.

A yearly subscription to RTIS allows total access to the CRT library on-line as well the USB expert system and a host of services.

For more information, fill in the application form, or email us.

If you are a member of RTIS, please log in.


related information

RTIS main page

Cambridge Refrigeration Technology Contact Details