As CRT test chambers are extensively used for testing by all of the
world's major manufacturers of reefer equipment, we have extensive knowledge of their refrigeration plants and insulated
containers in which they are mounted.
- Container out turn surveys.
- Apportionment of blame to shipper or pre-shipment.
- Inherent vice.
- Analysis of temperature charts.
- Analysis of electronic logs for cargo and machinery.
- Cargo temperature increase after generator failure.
Examples of expert witness work carried out:
- Avocados: advanced ripening resulting from inadequate air circulation.
- Apples: loss of value of apples related to pre-shipment treatment.
- Broccoli: loss of quality due to length of storage time.
- Chilled beef: alleged poor temperature control.
- Frozen fish:
- Frozen potato chips: estimation of temperatures with container doors open.
- Kiwifruit: damage due to ventilation rate.
- Pharmaceuticals and blood plasma: alleged damage in temperature. controlled containers in transit and during holding on shore.
- X-ray media: temperature control problems.