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Regulations of Ozone Depleting Substances

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Draft EU Regulation on Ozone Depleting Substances, July 1998

The main proposals relating to refrigeration are as follows:- end 1999: ban on "use" of CFCs (does not include use within existing plant, but does include use for maintenance). end 2000: ban on production of new equipment containing HCFCs (eg R22) other than reversible heat pumps. Includes import ban, excludes exports to countries in which HCFC use is permitted. end 2003: ban on production of HCFC containing reversible heat pumps, as above. end 2007: ban on use of virgin (ie non-recovered) HCFCs for equipment maintenance.

Total EU HCFC production is capped as follows:- to end 2000: 8079 odp tonnes to end 2001: 6678 odp tonnes to end 2002: 6010 odp tonnes to end 2003: 2337 odp tonnes to end 2007: 2003 odp tonnes to end 2014: 334 odp tonnes thereafter: nil

In this context, production includes imports of virgin material.

These proposals are closely linked to restrictions on HCFCs in foam production:-

end 2001: ban on HCFCs in most p.u. foams (except for transport)

end 2002: ban on HCFCs in most p.s. foams (except for transport)

end 2003: ban on use of HCFCs for foam production.



It is prohibited to import, export or manufacture CFCs, carbon tetrachloride, 1,1,1

trichloroethane, and HBFCs. There is a provision for possible "essential use" exemption.

It is prohibited to import, export and manufacture halon. The recovered halon is stored in a national halon bank for destruction or the servicing of essential use equipment.

HCFCs: Freeze at 2.8% of CFC consumption + total HCFC consumption in 1989 from 1996. Then a 35% reduction by 2004, a 65% reduction by 2010, a 90% reduction by 2015 and phase out by 1 January 2020.

Methyl bromide; Freeze at 1991 base level from 1995. Then a 25% reduction by 2001, a 50% reduction by 2005 and phase out by 1 January 2010.

It is prohibited to import and manufacture the following products containing CFCs, halon, carbon tetrachloride or 1,1,1, trichloroethane:

- dry cleaning machinery

- automotive air conditioning maintenance kits

- disposable containers of refrigerants

- foams

- aerosols

- halon products

- refrigeration and air conditioning equipment


General ban for halons, for different use sectors of CFCs, carbon tetrachloride and 1,1,1 trichloroethane. The use of HCFCs is regulated by an ordinance leading to a step-wise phase out plan by 2002 in all important applications. There are exemptions for maintenance of existing installations.


As EC Regulation. Also at a Federal level there is a Royal Decree that controls the use of certain CFCs in refrigerators. At a Regional level there is environmental legislation concerning polluting activities that are applicable in the Flemish region: the prohibition of the production of halons and CFCs.


The Ozone-Depleting Substances Regulations prohibit the production, import and export of virgin CFCs, halons, HBFCs, 1,1,1 trichloroethane and carbon tetrachloride, but allows the import and export of used, recovered, recycled and reclaimed ODSs upon issuance of a permit by Environment Canada. These Regulations also control the production, import and export of HCFCs and methyl bromide by a system of allowances and permits.

The Ozone-depleting Substances Products Regulations prohibit the manufacture, sale, offer for sale and import of plastic foam packaging for food and beverages and pressurised containers that contain 10kg or less of CFCs, such as aerosols, cans of refrigerants, party streamers, and fog horns etc. Health care products, some azeotropic mixtures and recovered CFCs sold to be recycled or reclaimed are exempted from these Products Regulations. These Products Regulations also prohibit the import, from non-Parties of the Montreal Protocol, of certain products containing CFCs or halons.

The recovery and recycling of CFCs and the certification of refrigeration and air-conditioning service technicians are mandatory under the regulations developed by Canada's provinces.


General ban on use of CFCs, carbon tetrachloride, 1,1,1 trichloroethane, halons, HCFCs, HBFCs and methyl bromide. Prohibits the manufacture, sale and export of products containing these substances. Some exceptions.

HCFCs can be used in mould release agent, flexible p/u with density <23 kg/m3, new commercial and industrial heat transfer systems and associated automatic equipment until 1 January 2000.

HCFCs can also be used in rigid XPS and p/u insulating foam for uses other than district heating pipes in existing household, commercial and industrial heat transfer systems and associated automatic equipment, and in research, development and laboratories until 1 January 2002.

Mobile and stationary fire fighting equipment shall be taken down and disposed of by 1/1/1999.


It is forbidden to use HCFCs:

1) for producing hard insulation foams from 1 January 2000,
2) for producing integral skin foams for safety applications from 1 January 1999,
3) as refrigerant in equipments for heat transfer which are manufactured or installed after 31 December 1999 if not forbidden earlier according to EC regulation nr 3093/94,
4) as solvent from 1 January 1999 if not forbidden earlier according to EC regulation nr 3093/94.

Also the placing on the market of products and equipment mentioned in points 1 and 3 is forbidden from 1 January 2000 and placing on the market of products and
equipment mentioned in points 2 and 4 is forbidden from 1 January 1999.

CFCs HCFCs etc shall be collected, circulated or destroyed after use.


As EC Regulation.

Compulsory recovery of refrigerant fluids. Owners of the equipment concerned must ensure that the fluids are recovered.

Refrigerating equipment and heat pumps must comply with Swedish standards.


Ban on production of aerosols containing CFCs or HCFC 22.

Ban on CFCs as refrigerants in new products.

Ban on HCFC 22 as refrigerant from 2000.

B an on manufacture of foams containing CFCs and HCFC22 for packaging and tableware and poured-in-place foam in aerosols.

Ban on manufacture of other foams and Insulating material containing CFCs. Insulating material and other foams made with or containing HCFC22 to be phased out from 1 January 2000.

Ban on use of CFCs, 1,1,1 or HCFC 22 as solvents.

Ban on production or use of halons for fire fighting. Some exceptions to all these controls.

Controls on CFCs, halons, carbon tetrachloride and 1,1,1 trichloroethane are as follows:

Aerosols should not be manufactured or brought into circulation containing more than 1% by weight. Specific applications of CFCs, such as asthma inhalers are exempt.

Refrigerants should not be used, manufactured or brought into circulation containing more than 1% by weight, except for the use of CFCs in existing machines, and not released into circulation by the manufacturer.

The manufacture of any foam, insulating material, packaging material and tableware made from foam and poured in place foam in aerosol containers which use, contain or may release any of the above substances is prohibited.

The manufacture, bringing into circulation and use of cleansing agents and solvents which contain more than 1% by weight of the above substances, except where carbon tetrachloride is used as a solvent in closed systems and cannot be replaced by alternative substances, is prohibited.

The manufacture, bringing into circulation and use of fire extinguishants containing more than 1% by weight, except for temporary exemptions allowed for halons which are necessary to protect human life and health, is prohibited.

Aerosols, refrigerants, insulating material, cleansing agents and solvents must be labelled as follows: "Contains ozone-depleting CFC" if applicable.

Extinguishants must be labelled as follows: "Contains ozone-depleting halon" if applicable.

The Regulation includes penalties for infringement.

From 1 July 1998 there will be a ban on use and bringing into circulation of products containing CFC 12 as a refrigerant. Exemptions are made for appliances in which CFC12 is used in closed systems and which contain less than 1 kg of refrigerant.


As EC Regulation (NB Greece allowed one year grace)


As EC Regulation.


Currently discussing new national law.


Promote appropriate disposal of equipment containing ozone depleting substances. Regulate placing on the market of these substances as synthetic foams, solvents, coolants and extinguishing agents.


General ban on the production, trade, import and export of CFCs, carbon tetrachloride, halons, 1,1,1 trichloroethane and HBFCs. The dates and bans also apply to all products containing the above substances. The trade in recycled substances is permitted. No imports from other (EU and non EU) countries are permitted no matter whether the substances are virgin, recycled or recovered. The possession of stocks of virgin substances is also banned for CFC, halons, 1,1,1 trichloroethane and HBFCs.

HCFC controls are as in the EC Regulation. Production, trade, import and export of all products containing HCFCs will be banned as from 1/1/2015.

The use of CFCs, 1,1,1 trichloroethane and HCFC as solvents is only permitted if sufficient recapture takes place according to specific legislative requirements.

The use of CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs as refrigerants is only permitted if refrigeration equipment is leaktight according to the technical legislative requirements for refrigeration equipment.

Maintenance and servicing of refrigeration equipment is only permitted by certified mechanics who are certified by the STEK-institute. Certificates are only issued when the mechanics are examined on theory and practice of the national requirements for refrigeration equipment.

Production, trade, import and export of all insulation materials was banned as from 1/1/93.

Methyl bromide use for soil fumigation was banned as from 1/1/92.

Refilling of halon fire fighting equipment is only permitted with recycled halon.


HCFC cap level: 75% of that permitted under the Montreal Protocol. 50% cut by 1/1/2000.

Phase out by 1/1/2015.

No imports of CFCs or halons. Existing CFCs in appliances and other uses, it is illegal to release the cooling agent into the atmosphere - being recovered and stored for refrigeration into existing equipment as needed. A halon bank exists to recharge equipment discharged during fire-fighting.

Methyl bromide: consumption was frozen at 1991 level from January 1995 for most uses.


It is prohibited to manufacture, import, export or use CFCs, halons, carbon tetrachloride, 1,1,1 trichloroethane and HBFCs.

Consumption and production of HCFCs shall be reduced with 35% by 1 January 2001, 60% by 1 January 2007, 80% by 1 January 2010, 95% by 1 January 2013 and phase out by 1 January 2015.

Consumption and production of methyl bromide shall be reduced by 25% by 1 January 1998, reduced by 50% by 1 January 2005, and phased out by 1 January 2010.


As EC Regulation


As EC Regulation. Sales prohibition applies to all refrigerators with CFC or HCFC as

refrigerant in the insulation. Imports of products manufactured with CFCs are banned.


Ban on manufacture of CFCs and HCFCs. Ban on the manufacture, use and sale of 1,1,1 trichloroethane and carbon tetrachloride. Ban on the sale and use of HBECs. Banned use of Halons in existing systems or installations from 1 January 1988.

Banned use of CFCs for refilling existing refrigeration, heating or other types of climate units from 1 January 1998 and prohibits use of refrigeration, heating or other types of climate units with CFCs as a working medium from 1 January 2000.

Prohibits use of HCFCs as a working medium in the production and installation of new

refrigeration, heating or other types of climate units from 1 January 1998 and prohibits use of HCFC for refilling existing refrigeration, heating or other types of climate units from 1 January 2002.

Prohibits use of HCFCs in the production of rigid foam plastics for insulation purposes from 1 January 1998. HCFC may only be used as refrigerants.

Methyl bromide phase out date - 1 January 1996 and 1 January 1998 for special uses.


General ban on CFCs, halons, trichloroethane and carbon tetrachloride. General ban on HCFCs with exemptions for rigid foam, refrigeration and medical aerosol. Ban of these exemptions by 2000. Extension of existing ban on ODS as extinguishing agent to cover greenhouse gases with an atmospheric lifetime of more than 5 years, e.g. fluorinated hydrocarbons.

Methyl bromide has never been admitted for agricultural uses.


As EC Regulation

Also ban on import, supply and storage of CFC and HCFC refrigerants in non-refillable containers.


Ban on production and consumption of HCFC 141b by 1/1/2003.

Freeze on production and consumption of HCFC 22 & HCFC 142b by 1/1/2010. Ban on use of virgin chemical unless used as a feedstock or refrigerant in appliance manufactured prior to 1 January 2010.

Freeze on production and consumption of all other HCFC by 1/1/2015. Ban on use of virgin chemical unless used as a feedstock or refrigerant in appliance manufactured prior to 1 January 2020.

Ban on production and consumption on HCFC 22/142b by 1/1/2020 and a ban on production and consumption of all other HCFCs by 1/1/2030.

Some HCFC use controls.

Date: 8 July 1997


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